Hiring within your current employees can be advantageous for your company as it reduces your efforts in recruiting and training outside candidates. To help you, this article will discuss several tips on how to spot leadership potential among your employees when looking for your next supervisor or manager.
Reagan Richardson
The majority of our workforce today is millennials. With that said, attracting, retaining, and managing them may be challenging. In this article, we will discuss several ways on how you can improve your strategies when managing your young talents.
Today, three generations dominate the workplace: the Millennials, Generation X, and the Baby Boomers. They range in age from 22-73 years old and represent 93% of the workforce. With an age gap of 50+ years, these workers bring distinct challenges, strengths, and expectations to the workplace.
The Philippines’ information technology-business process outsourcing (IT-BPO) industry has experienced rapid growth since entering the market two decades ago. In 2000, it’s contribution to the Philippines’ GDP was 0.075 percent.