DOLE Releases Rules on Payment of Wages for Regular and Special Holidays in the Philippines
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) released an advisory, pursuant to Proclamation No. 845, declaring rules for payment of wages for the regular holidays on April 9 and 10, and special day on April 11, 2020.
APRIL 09, 2020 (Maundy Thursday | Day of Valor)
DOUBLE REGULAR HOLIDAY *Provided that the employee was present or on paid leave on the workday prior to the start of ECQ | (Basic Wage + COLA) x 200% |
DOUBLE REGULAR HOLIDAY *First 8 hours of work rendered | (Basic Wage + COLA) x 300% |
DOUBLE REGULAR HOLIDAY *Overtime work | Hourly Rate of the Basic Wage x 300% x 130% x No. of Hours Worked |
DOUBLE REGULAR HOLIDAY *Rest Day | [(Basic Wage + COLA) x 300%] + [30%(Basic Wage x 300%)] |
DOUBLE REGULAR HOLIDAY *Rest Day + Overtime | Hourly Rate of the Basic Wage x 300% x 130% x 130% x No. of Hours Worked |
APRIL 10, 2020 (Good Friday)
REGULAR HOLIDAY *Provided that the employee was present or on paid leave on the workday prior to the start of ECQ | (Basic Wage + COLA) x 100% |
REGULAR HOLIDAY *First 8 hours of work rendered | (Basic Wage + COLA) x 200% |
REGULAR HOLIDAY *Overtime work | Hourly Rate of the Basic Wage x 200% x 130% x No. of Hours Worked |
REGULAR HOLIDAY *Rest Day | [(Basic Wage + COLA) x 200%] + [30%(Basic Wage x 200%)] |
REGULAR HOLIDAY *Rest Day + Overtime | Hourly Rate of the Basic Wage x 200% x 130% x 130% x No. of Hours Worked |
APRIL 11, 2020 (Black Saturday)
SPECIAL HOLIDAY | NO WORK, NO PAY shall apply. *Unless there is a favorable company policy, practice or CBA granting payment on a special day |
SPECIAL HOLIDAY *First 8 hours of work rendered | (Basic Wage x 130%) + COLA |
SPECIAL HOLIDAY *Overtime work | Hourly Rate of the Basic Wage x 130% x 130% x No. of Hours Worked |
SPECIAL HOLIDAY *Rest Day | (Basic Wage x 150%) + COLA |
SPECIAL HOLIDAY *Rest Day + Overtime | Hourly Rate of the Basic Wage x 150% x 130% x 130% x No. of Hours Worked |