DOLE Reminds Private Employers that Compressed Workweek Must Be Voluntary
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) seeks to remind employers from the private sector that the compressed workweek should be voluntarily agreed upon by both employer and employee before it can be implemented.
It must also not result in the reduction of any of the benefits granted to private employees under existing labor laws.
According to Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III, there is an existing DOLE advisory which recognizes the employer-employee agreement to implement the compressed workweek.
Compressed workweek, under Department Advisory No. 4, Series of 2010, is defined as a flexible work agreement where the normal workweek is reduced to less than six days, but the total number of work hours per week shall remain the same.
The normal workday is increased to more than eight hours, but not to exceed 12 hours, without corresponding overtime premium. It can also be adjusted accordingly depending on the company’s normal workweek.
Labor Secretary Bello stated, “The compressed workweek is not mandated, but we have existing guidelines on this. Its effectivity and implementation should be voluntary. We do not force them to implement the work scheme, because this is part of our management prerogative. Both parties have the autonomy to reach an agreement as long as it does not violate our labor laws.”
The labor secretary added that employee benefits should not be reduced if such work arrangement will be implemented by a company.
In case there are complaints, the company and its employees can agree to revert to the normal work arrangement.