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How to Convert Passive Candidates into Active Candidates in the Philippines
Passive Candidate

5 Ways To Activate a Passive Candidate in the Philippines

New companies in the Philippines are always on the look-out for top candidates from the competitive job market. These are individuals with remarkable qualities that can help businesses meet their quotas on time and generate quality output. Employers look for candidates who possess creativity, drive, professionalism, and passion for their job.

However, some of your most ideal candidates are difficult to source because they do not plan on leaving their current employer or exploring other job opportunities in the meantime. Hence, they are referred to in the recruitment industry as “passive candidates.” 

Are you wondering how you can get them to jump out of their current work and move over to your company? If so, you can look into some factors which can make them consider joining your organization. To help you, we listed down five factors on how to effectively convince passive candidates to step out from the shadows and turn into active candidates:

Salary, Compensation, and Other Benefits

A research study by The Balance Careers states that the average professional switches jobs 12 times during their career with some workers spending five years or less in their current profession.’s #IMadeTheSwitch survey shows 58% of Filipino professionals undergo a career switch in the middle of their careers, hoping to get a better salary and attain financial stability. However, the specific reason why they move careers usually depend on their lifestyle, civil status, and priorities. 

The survey also identified other reasons why Filipinos switch careers. 66% of young professionals realized the need to expand their skill sets, 43% of the same respondents state they are the sole-earners for their families while 48% said they are underpaid by their current employers.

Salary is the biggest deal-breaker in employment. When a recruiter persuades a passive candidate to transfer, chances are, they are likely to ask for a 10-20% raise from the initial salary offer. These can sum up in no small amount of gross pay that can be too much for starting companies to offer.

While a higher salary can convince many passive candidates, others prefer company benefits such as Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), travel incentives, and flexitime over huge wages. It is common practice for recruitment firms to look into the compensation packages of their client’s competitors to compare salary rates and benefits and assess how to help their client offer a higher rate or more attractive package.

Company Culture

Another factor considered by passive candidates is company culture. But this does not give employees an immediate impact and enough consideration to switch to active candidates. Passive candidates most likely become such because they are content with the culture of their current company and are not actively searching for a new workplace.

Recruiters must check what they can offer to top the candidate’s current job and its perks. They can pitch what their client’s company promotes, which can be any or all of the following: work-life balance, discouraging overtime (OT), transparent macro-management, spacious work areas, gaming rooms, sleeping quarters or any other attractive office perks not offered by their current employer. A comfortable office atmosphere with amenities might also persuade any passive candidate to consider transferring.

Concern for Career Progression

ABS-CBN News states that 23% of Filipino professionals seek new opportunities when they feel that their career progression is running slowposition–wise. Also, 11% of them switch careers because they think their current role does not pose any challenges, career–wise, anymore.

The #IMadeTheSwitch survey also specified that 24% of Filipino individuals failed to anticipate the nature of their profession, while 88% of them considered moving to a job outside of their field of study.

Some employees feel no significant progress in their careers, especially if they are repetitively working on a single type of deliverable. Others no longer feel the excitement and thrill of coming to work. These situations often push a candidate to start exploring new opportunities to grow their career.

Passive candidates with a stagnant career can turn into active candidates if they are offered more challenging roles that will help fuel their passion for learning and developing new skills. Companies can assist individuals by providing the necessary training 

Office Accessibility

Besides high salary, attractive benefits, work environment, and career progression, workplace accessibility is also a major factor. 

Some employers in the Philippines offer shuttle services to their employees who live in areas relatively far from the office location. There are also some companies that offer apartments or dormitories near the office for candidates who live outside Metro Manila.

For example, an organization suggests that a passive candidate living in Quezon City must report to an office situated at Rockwell Center. However, the organization apparently has an established office in Cubao, Quezon City. It will be ideal for them to offer their workplace in Cubao to the same candidate.

Job Security

Working for a stable company with minimal threat of closure usually offers job security to employees for the next ten (10) years, along with a beneficial retirement plan. This factor works for established companies seeking to attract top-notch candidates who developed their skills in startup companies by taking a multitude of job functions effectively.

Some companies can’t assure job security for their employees. Businesses change over time, with others downsizing their manpower to curb their budget, or facing closure because of financial reasons.

Chron suggests candidates to take online classes and attend workshops and seminars to help improve their skill sets. Taking a masters degree of your preferred field is a great start to gain new knowledge that you can practice in a different industry. 

Want to Attract Passive Candidates to Your Company?

Established firms might take a while to get the ideal candidate, especially if their prospects are passive candidates. The same proves to be more difficult for smaller enterprises. 

Whether you belong to a bigger or smaller company, the challenge of converting passive candidates into active ones poses the same problems. If you struggle to attract talent, our team of recruiters will help you look for experienced candidates to fill your company’s skills gap.

Here at KC Global Talent Solutions, we can assist your organization by attracting passive candidates to your workforce through our Recruitment services. We offer recruitment strategies and utilize effective talent sourcing methods to identify the ideal candidates for your job vacancies.


  • Joseph Maalindog

    Joseph Maalindog is a Recruitment Consultant at KC Global Talent Solutions. He is also a Freelance Registered Psychometrician, aspiring writer, and music enthusiast.

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